Eagle Mountain Farmers Market

Local Fresh Food, Friends, and Fun!


Vendor's Application


The Farmers Market will start regular hours 
Saturday June 7, 2025 from 9am-1pm.

Farmers Market will participate in Pony Express days May 28-May 31 with an information booth and being in the parade.
Come see us at one of the booth days!

The Market is open on Saturday’s from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  

June through mid-October 2025.

Cory B Wride Memorial Park

5806 Pony Express Parkway  Eagle Mountain, UT
(We will only close if there are dangerous conditions associated with the weather.)



Cory Wride Memorial Park

5806 N. Pony Express Parkway, Eagle Mountain, Utah

Most of us know this amazing venue with a huge playground, pickleball courts, splash pad, pavilions, bathroom facilities, and easy access parking.


Saturdays  9am – 1pm

The market will run on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. starting in June  and running through September.


The market is free to the public! So come, enjoy and bring your friend and neighbors!  Spread the word!


Market Vendors will include:

  • Farmers – Commercial and Local Gardeners
  • Food Artisans – Licensed or Not
  • Handmade or Homemade non-food Products and Services
  • Food Truck or Food Booth Vendors
  • Non-Profit Companies
  • Youth Vendors

What do you have to sell?  Check out the vendor link to see if your product is something that you can bring to the market. 

Entertainment and Presentations

Would you like to share your talent or knowledge?  It is a great way to gain experience and let the community know what you have to offer.  There are many possibilities.  Examples are listed here, but this is not all, what do you offer?


  • Music
  • Dance
  • Balloonist
  • Drama
  • Comedian
  • Health-Related Instruction
  • Gardening or Farming Instruction
  • Cooking Instruction
  • Canning or Preserving Instruction
  • Exercise / Yoga Instruction

Pay your Farmer or Pay your Pharmasist

Did you know that less than 5% of the food consumed in Utah is produced in Utah?   Get to know and support your local farmer and give your family food that is nutritious and tastes delicious!  Put your money where your health is!

Come learn from local farmers about regenerative agricultural practices and how we can restore health to our soils, our food, and our lives.  You are what you eat!


Market Sponsors

A special thanks to Eagle Mountain City for the excellent venue at Cory B. Wride Memorial Park